Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm Sick

Hey everybody,

The last few days I have not felt like writing on the blog as I have been sick and contuie to be sick. Jen and Lindsay were sick when I got into Reykjavik last week and starting today I really feel like garbage. Sore throat, runny nose, the whole works.

I got all of my student loan stuff squared away so hopefully I will get that money soon! Yay!
Also I found out today that we can apply to get back about half of our rent from the municipality. That will be great if we can figure out how to do that!!! Yay spending money.

I booked my plane ticket for back to Iceland after Christmas the other day and got a pretty good deal on it. So thats great.

I keep hearing about how it is cold and fall-like at home and I am envious of that because it is winter-like here.....cold. Its only about 6-9 degrees here now and windy. It is the wind that is bothersome not the cold.

This is quite the experience. I am making friends with people from all over the world so that is great because then I can travel and stay for free at lots of new places.

Out first professor is great. He has a degree from Dal and I think that we will all bond over that. Im thinking about maybe having him over for supper with that Canada crew while he is here. Our next prof is from Canada as well. We are representing Canada well here lots of profs and 7 out of 20 students are from Canada.

I had a great time in reykjavik and at the blue lagoon - I posted tons of pictures.
Reykjavik Backpackers Hostel is great for anyone thinking of traveling here.

Our orientation weekend was great too...we went to the beach (too cold), we drank icelandic schnapps out of a seashell and ate rotten shark (icelandic delicacy) just a little piece of shark and I will not have any more of that. we had a bbq and icelandic pancakes and hot chocolate. Mmm Mmm!

Hope everything is well with everyone.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Hey my pictures (all of them) ( yes there are a lot) can be found on webshots now.

You can wither just search for joshmackintosh or go to



For some reason today I cannot get any energy. I have been tired all day. I went to Samkaup instead of the Bonus as it is right down the street and the bonus is a 35 minute walk.

Thanks to everybody who is reading my blog. I am here, for those of you who dont know, for a Masters program in Marine and Coastal Management - Resource Management.

I miss everybody from home but I am making lots of friends here. The Canadian contingent is strong here and about to get stronger when lindsay and jen arrive. There will be 7 of us Canadians in total in the program I guess. 7 out to 20 students in total.

Tomorrow I head back in to I will not post to the blog for a few days but I will have lots of stories and pictures when I get back.

Im going to start posting most of my pictures except for a select few on I will post the address where everyone can find those once I start putting them on there - which I am about to do.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Halloooooo Iceland!

Hey to anyone that checks this blog.

I have arrived safely and have been hanging with some pretty cool cats.

I am staying in an apartment with a guy named alan from our program until my and jens apartment is ready on friday.

Tomorrow alan and I are going to to BONUS a grocery store about a 30 minute walk away. (We will take the bus back.

Lots of things are free here - internet in lots of places, buses, etc.
Lots of things arent free - cell phones...I had to buy one today and it cost me like 400 dollars.

Im going to post some pictures of the Icelandair plane that I took, some of the airport in Reykjavik and some of the Apartment that I am staying in.

The apartment is not the one that that Jen and I are going to live in but looks quite similar but not exact.

I will add pictures of the town and of the school when i get another chance and also pictures of Reykjavik when I go back on on Wednesday.


( sorry that pictures are in reverse order of what they should be - I will get the hang of this blog eventually)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

49 Hours and 33 Minutes

I leave so soon - 49 hours and 33 minutes from the time I started this post, in fact.

I will post pictures of the town and Iceland and whatnot once I get settled in my new apartment/town/country/continent/.

Im looking forward to the flight but am a but worried that my suitcases are a bit overweight. But frig it is hard to pack stuff for a yeah and a half in two suitcases. Deal with it Icelandair its 4 extra pounds.

Im really excited to go!

Talk to everyone soon.

Also this is how my blog is going to roll. Short sweet and to the point. With lots of pictures eventually. Just sayin'

See you soon Iceland you cold (soon) and dark (eventually) mistress.